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Pipeline Reports
Pipeline Reports

Get immediate insights into your pipeline activity.

Written by Practice Exchange Support
Updated over 3 years ago

Pipeline Reports

FindBob’s pre-built pipeline reports provide immediate access to the insights required to run your business unit.

Pipeline reports give you a clear picture of Open and Active cases in your pipeline, based on the expected close dates. You can view a summary of your pipeline by stages, the distribution of cases across your team, the projected value of your pipeline, as well as your top sources for cases.

For each stage we’ll show you reports based on the total value orweighted value, and the total value of your cases multiplied by the win probability percentage of the stage the cases are in.

The ‘Pipeline Summary Total’ Report

The 'Pipeline Summary Total' report shows the total value of all cases in your pipeline in the specified date range.

The page displays a bar graph followed by a table. You can switch between pipelines by selecting a pipeline by name from the 'Pipelines' drop-down menu at the top of the page.

Bar graph: Each bar in the graph represents the value or count within each stage of the pipeline, based on case close date.

Table: Each row shows the performance of a pipeline stage, including new information like what % of the total value it represents, the number of cases in that stage and their average duration in that stage.

Note: The default time frame is set to a full year starting with the current date. Click on the date range to modify the timeline based on the caseclose date.

The ‘Pipeline By Owner’ Reports

The 'Pipeline by Owner' reports show the distribution of cases by owner across your team based on case close date. This report is based on case ownership, identified by the “Owner” field within each case in a pipeline that is manually or automatically assigned.

For management, this is a great tool to see how your team members are performing and to identify your star player.

For consultants / team members, this is a great tool to see how you're stacking up against the team.

The 'Pipeline by Owner Total' report shows the value or count of pipeline cases per team member. These opportunities are color-coded to the pipeline stage they're in.

The page displays a bar graph followed by a table. You can switch between pipelines by selecting a pipeline by name from the 'Pipelines' drop-down menu.

Bar graph:The bars are color-coded to the pipeline stage they represent. Each bar represents the value of each team member's cases by pipeline stage.

Table: Each row shows you performance stats for that specific team member, including new information like total value and total weighted value.

The Pipeline Projection Total Report

The 'Pipeline Projection Total' report shows the value of cases in your pipeline that have an expected close date in the date range you choose.

The page displays a bar graph followed by a table. You can switch between pipelines by selecting a pipeline by name from the 'Pipelines' drop-down menu.

Bar graph: Each bar is color-coded by pipeline stage. You choose whether you want to see the date range displayed quarterly or monthly. This allows you to compare your current pipeline's success to its performance in the past quarter or month.

Table: Each row represents the expected performance of cases on a specified future date or in a date range, including new fields like value or total weighted value.

Note: The default time frame is set to the current year. You can edit this by selecting an option in the Close Date Range dropdown.

Activity by User Report

With so many calls, emails, and meetings, keeping track of your team’s activities can seem like an overwhelming task. This report allows you to see your team's activities broken down by users when the tasks are manually tracked within a pipeline case.

By default, the 'Activity By User' report will display completed activities by each team member for the default date range of approximately a month leading up to the current date. You can click on the filter icon to adjust the date range of the report, to filter for specific activity types (Emails, Calendar Events, anything logged in the 'Activity Type' field on tasks, etc.), and to filter for specific users.

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