Note: Only users who are approved to access the Match Pool can initiate or be invited to a Meeting Room. If your account is missing some of the features seen here, it is likely that you have not been given access to these features. Please consult with your manager for more information.
What is the Meeting Room?
The Practice Exchange Meeting Room is a secure and confidential area of the platform where Practice Exchange users can enter into M&A discussions with other users within their specific affiliate. It’s a place for retiring financial advisors to qualify potential successors and for growth-seeking advisors to qualify potential acquisition and succession opportunities.
Why use the Meeting Room?
The Meeting Room provides a structured environment to ensure the initial discussions of a M&A candidate seeking process advance smoothly and in a timely manner. The Meeting Room collects all the necessary information from parties on both sides of the discussion to evaluate the candidate or opportunity and determine if they want to proceed with offline discussions.
How does the Meeting Room work?
A succession-oriented/retiring financial advisor can use the Meeting Room to find a successor or a buyer for their book.
Below are the pathways a financial advisor would follow, depending on their goals. Click on a specific stage of the Meeting Room to learn more about it.
Retiring Financial Advisor (or an advisor looking to find a successor, buyer or catastrophic planning partner)
1. Start Meeting Room > 2. Complete Teaser, Discovery Questions and Match Preferences > 3. Invite Matches > 4. Review an Expression of Interest & Send NDA > 5. Execute NDA > 6. Negotiate
Successor Financial Advisor (or an advisor looking to become a successor, catastrophic planning partner or buy a book of business)
1. Receive Meeting Room Invite & Review Teaser > 2. Submit Expression of Interest > 3. Execute Blind NDA > 4. Negotiate